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​​​​​​Jorge Nuno Vieira de Sousa Cardoso, from early on, had contact with the worlds of art. The first practical initiatives were the workshops of free expression organized by the painter Elvira Leite.* Later, his activity was in the economic sphere (in several sectors) but also in Art with the creation of Vantag Gallery and part of the founders group of Nasoni and Atlântica galleries. With the latter he had access to important international art fairs. At the same time he developed his collector skills. Research in the field of art, complementing the activities of gallerist and collector, focused on the most theoretical aspects with numerous readings in History and (mainly) Art Theory. It was all this process that came to result in the decision to, in due time (and in parallel with his business and associative activity), also present his artistic expression with emphasis on the conceptual. Given that throughout his life photography always accompanied him, this was the means of expression used - most often - as a tool of his artwork. In the artist statement he clarifies: - “But just as there are many and complex relationships between art and photography, in this case we also have photography as part of a whole with conceptual purposes, such as a register of installations or performances or even as a simulacrum of archive; Photography is not an end, nor is it meant to be analysed as art; photography is part of the works of art and these are the ones under analysis as a whole. In other cases, we have specific constructions in metal, glass and paper, and they are also an intermediary mechanism for presenting concepts.” His artistic practice has been developed either in his own name or with the tag TfT from the group “The fLIPADOS Team”, where he represents several alter-egos. The search for innovation also led him to elaborate a new process in terms of graphic arts and multiples - the lithopass - together with a team from the Cooperativa Artística Árvore. Always maintaining a critical position regarding the hermetism in the current process of writing about art, Jorge Cardoso chose to write on the same topics, but in accessible language. This process led, from theory to practice, to act as commissioner/curator in several exhibitions. He currently devotes as much time as possible writing about art and, in between business activities, his energy is focussed on digital artwork for T.f.T.



2024  – “Ma·cau·now revisited”, Vantag @ Gulbenkian, Porto; “Where the art” (as TFT), CGB223, Porto.

2023 – “Backlight by Jorge Cardoso” Vantag @ Gulbenkian, Porto.

2020 – “Jorge Cardoso father of Art in Layers”, Vantag @ Gulbenkian, Porto. 

2019 – “NEW 18x by TfT” (as T.f.T), CGB223, Porto; “Semiotics of Desire”, Vantag @ Gulbenkian; “Editions of You (special/anthology" in 3 locations) Torre and Galeria do Castelo de Lamego;  “Ma.cow.nau &”, Vantag @ Gulbenkian, Porto.

2018 – “Fite DaPow-A ‘cause the curator said so”, showcase @ Vantag CGB, Porto.

2016 – “Studio Photo by The Flipados Team” (as TFT)for Vantag@MB578, Porto.

2015 – “∏= Pi = 3,14159...”, Vantag Galeria, Porto; “Censorship is a Bitch” (as TFT) for Vantag@MB552, Porto. 2014 – “Editions of You”, Vantag @ Bombarda, Porto.

2013 – “Ma·cau·now”, Vantag @ Bombarda, Porto.

2011 – “LLLL - Lying (laying) Lolita’s Lying Layers”, Vantag @ Bombarda, Porto.

2010 - “Dada Conceptual Clivagem Ultrapassagem”, Vantag Galeria, Porto; “LLLL - Lying (laying) Lolita’s Lying Layers”, Paiol da Pólvora,** Castelo de Valença.



2018 – “flipados PSYCHO news 18X” by T.f.T for the XXXII Exposição Coletiva da Coop. Árvore@ Fundação Manuel António da Mota, Porto.

2017 – “C.I.A.B. Censurado prt” (as T.f.T) for the XXXI Coletiva Coop. Árvore”, Galeria Municipal de Matosinhos, Matosinhos.

2016 – “Semiótica Aplicada C.I.A.B. 18X VE” (as T.f.T) for the XXVIII Exposição Coletiva Coop. Árvore @ Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis, Porto; “V de Verão (4th edition)”, Vantag Galeria, Porto.

2015 – “Be Smart Buy Art (2nd edition)”, Vantag Galeria, Porto; “Windows”, Vantag Galeria, Porto; “V de Verão (3rd edition)”, Vantag Galeria, Porto; “Feira de Obra Gráfica”, Cooperativa de Actividades Artísticas Árvore, Porto, having received the “RESIDENCY AWARD” at this event;*** “Nichos de Arte”, Vantag DM2, Porto.

2014 – “Semiótica Aplicada M e P” for the XXVIII Exposição Coletiva Coop. Árvore @ Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis, Porto; “V de verão (2nd edition)”, Vantag Bombarda, Porto; “Espreitar-te”, Vantag Bombarda, room 2, Porto.

2013 - “Arte Lisboa, Contemporary Art Fair”, Festival IN, FIL, Lisboa; “MA-CAU-NOW (WgE04/WgE14)” for the 50th anniversary of @ Galeria Municipal do Porto/ Biblioteca Almeida Garrett, Palácio de Cristal, Porto; “Pague Leve & Leve”, Vantag Bombarda, Porto; “Be Smart Buy Art”, Vantag Bombarda, Porto; “West goes East”, Vantag Bombarda, Porto; “V de verão (1st edition)”, Vantag Bombarda, Rua Miguel Bombarda 552, Porto. 2011 – “Plug it In”, Vantag Bombarda, Porto; “LLLL7” for the XXVI Exposição Coletiva dos Sócios @ Cooperativa de Actividades Artísticas Árvore, Porto.

2009 – “LLLL - Lying (laying) Lolita’s Lying Layers”, Torre da Cadeia Velha, Ponte de Lima.****

PUBLICATIONS (for VANTAG Publisher, IMAGINE series*****)


– Collections of postcards, design, photography and texts (4 languages EN FR SP), such as: 

" V1 the art collection", V2 the art collection, V3 the art collection" (2023) ;  “Semiótica Aplicada”  (2022), “Montemuro” (2019) ;  “Once upon a time” and “msg 2 U”(2017); “Globe IZ”, “Humor IZ” and “Are you 4 Real!?” (2016); “Censorship is a Bitch” (2015). 

– Monographs, (4 languages EN FR SP) such as: 

"LLLL lying (laying) Lolita’s lying layers" (2025); "M&F" and Ersatz  (2022); “The Flipados Team and censorship on the web”, Creating your own style in photography in the era of digital bedazzlement”and “O Novo Tratado de Tordesilhas” (2017).


2018 – “Translux”, Castelo de Lamego; “Fite DePow-A ‘cause te curator said so”, Vantag Galeria; “Da essência humana” Castelo de Lamego;

2016 – “Visões & Abstrações” (Colecção Alcino Cardoso, 2nd edition)

2015 – “Caminhos do Figurativo” (Alcino Cardoso Collection, 1st part), Vantag @ Bombarda

DESIGN (+ recent for Vantag Gallery)

2019 – CASA VANTAG conception and design of elements for the exclusive needs of the House, using traditional materials (wood and stone) for cabinets, desks and staircases and innovative ones (Corian) for counters, tables and shelves.

2015 - V.ESIGN, design objects, concept and drawing of the series:  “V1” (metal holder for letters, postcards, keys, etc.), “V2” (wooden magazine/book holder with 2 positions) and “V3” (lacquered wooden display stand for postcards and/or photographs).

Previously - interior design and architecture for homes, offices and art galleries.


* [consultant for the Serralves Museum Education Service; the interest in these pedagogical experiences is such that in 2019 some were presented in New York, Mishkin Gallery].

**  [restoration by architect Souto Moura and future interpretive centre/interactive museum]

*** Award:

​​​​​​​**** [currently a travelling destination of the Serralves Museum].

***** [available at CPF - Portuguese Photography Centre, Serralves Museum, Casa da Música]​​​

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